Mission Statement
Goju Ryu teaches us to; condition the body, cultivate the mind, & nurture the spirit.
Kenshinkai Martial Arts has a very simple overarching philosophy; “Martial Arts is for anyone who wants to
practice them”.
With that in mind, we seek to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for anyone training in our dojo.
Everyone training should feel as though they “belong” there.
We provide training predominantly centred around traditional Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Do, but also have
classes in Sanda (Chinese kickboxing) if there is student interest.
We regularly collaborate with other dojo’s
around Wellington and other centres in New Zealand and look to provide a wide variety of experiences alongside
our traditional Karate Do.
We are affiliated to the following organisations which provide a network of support and development from very senior Karate teachers with direct links to Okinawan Masters;
Goju Ryu Karate Do New Zealand (www.gojuryukaratedo.org.nz)
Goju Ryu Jikishinkan NZ
Kenshinkai operates from a small but well-appointed dojo in Rongotai, Wellington.

Karate Do, literally translated, means “way of the empty hand”. It is an ancient form of unarmed self-defence
that originates from Okinawa, a small island between Japan and China.
It is considered a “martial art”. Goju Ryu Karate Do was formed by an Okinawan master of karate, Chojun
Miyagi (b. 1888), who was regarded as one of the greatest martial artists ofhis time.
Master Miyagi named his style of karate Goju Ryu (Hard/soft way) after the hard (strong/rigid) and soft (yielding/flowing) influences he had been trained
in from previous masters from both Okinawa and China. Goju Ryu karate is characterised by hard training and conditioning as well as softer more yielding techniques and breathing exercises to help maintain balance in