Sensei Mike Dombroski (4th Dan Goju-Ryu)
Owner and Chief Instructor
Michael has been training in the martial arts for over 39 years. He arrived at Sensei Ken Roberts’ Rembuden dojo in New Plymouth in the mid 80’s as a 15-year-old and trained regularly in Goju Ryu until the mid 90’s, when he decided to try other martial arts. He became a green belt in a Kung Fu style and later a green belt in a Korean freestyle martial art called Taekyan. Michael gravitated back to Goju Ryu and his sensei (Ken) after a few years – such was the quality of Ken Sensei’s instruction.
He also trained and competed in kick boxing and boxing as well as sport karate, winning medals in national tournaments including three gold medals at the Australia/New Zealand Police games in 1997. While a member of Police in the mid 90’s, Michael was appointed as a district staff safety tactics trainer, responsible for teaching frontline police un-armed self-defence, restraint and baton use.
In 2006 after moving to Palmerston North Michael opened his own dojo under the guidance of Ken. He moved to Wellington in 2009 and soon after formed his own Goju Ryu Dojo.
Sensei Ken Roberts (8th dan) is still training Michael on a regular basis and now has well over 50 years of continuous training in Karate. Michael is also trained by one of New Zealand’s most accomplished and well-known martial artists and Chief Instructor for Goju Ryu Karate Do NZ, Kyoshi Terry Hill (8 th dan) and travelled with Sensei Hill to Okinawa; the home of Goju Ryu Karate to further his study.

Senpai Tony Laidler (1st Dan Goju-Ryu, 1st Dan Takemusu Aikido)
Assistant Instructor
Tony has been a martial artist most of his life. He has trained in Muay Thai (Thailand kick boxing), Western Boxing, Kyokushin Karate and Aikido (black belt) and has competed in full contact tournaments.
Three years ago he started his journey with Kenshinkai and Goju Ryu Karate, a move he has not regretted. In 2022 he achieved his 1st dan black belt in Goju Ryu from Goju Ryu Karate Do NZ.
Tony is an integral part of our external communications and the promotion of our dojo. With his wealth of experience and broad knowledge of the martial arts, he is an asset to our instructor team.
Tony is the lead instructor for the junior and beginner programme.